A free easy reference guide to help you quickly plan interview times for your podcast interviews internationally with key reference time zones. Just laminate it and keep it on your desk or pin it.
A simple but effective tool to help you work out the best time to connect with guests for your podcast internationally.
Being organized is a big part of being professional as is being prepared and prompt. This sheet will help you with both.
Provides a ready reference at a glance to help you negotiate the most suitable time to meet podcast guests. No need for apps.
A visual representation of different time zones with a time scale representation and corresponding bar and map graphics.
Being on time when creating a podcast is so important. This ready reference time zone sheet will help you be early.
We want you and your colleagues to be successful. Feel free to share to help friends as long as our branding remains.
This FREE digital download is provided to you to help you improve your workflow as a beginner podcaster. Simple tools and resources are included in our course, but this is one piece of content we are happy to share with you for free to help you be successful in planning your podcast with guests.